







» » Celebration of International Day of Yoga 2022

‘Yoga is the Journey of the self through the self to the self.’

International Day of Yoga or commonly known as Yoga Day, is celebrated on 21st June every year since its inception in 2015. Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice originated in Bharat or India.

Keeping up with the spirits of the nation in celebrating the Yoga Day, Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Institute of Engineering and Technology [PKIET], organized  International Yoga Day 2022 on 21st June 2022.  More than 100 participants including Faculty, staff members and students attended Yoga day conducted by a yoga expert.

The celebrations of the International Yoga Day at PKIET prearranged  by National Service Scheme (NSS), PKIET YOGA TEAM. Dr. M.Dhamodaran, and Dr. J. Udayakumar NSS Programme Officers welcomed the participants to the event.  

Arivu Thirukoil Yoga Team Mr.M.Selvaraj, Mr.G. Sadasivam and others explained how Yoga plays such an important role in our day to day lifestyle. The yoga expert taught some important physical, mental, and spiritual practices to the participants which would help the participants in improving their health by increasing blood flow and boosting immunity. Mrs. V. Udayakumari, lab technician proposed the vote of thanks.

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